
WalkByBrusssels is a walking application for citizens in the Brussels region to (re)discover different routes in their city and share the spots they love.

The project

What happens when you combine your soft evening walk or maybe a long city hike with the nicest spots generated by citizens in Brussels? You get the Walk By Brussels web-application. Imagined by and made for Brussels habitants during the #brusselsHacksTheCrisis project, organised by Smart City Brussels and developed by 5 Osoc-students. A new motivation to get outdoors without the need of leaving the city.

Watch our concept case movie!

Discover Brussels' loveliest unknown spots.

Create your own walks by connecting your favourite points of interest.

Start walking immediately by browsing countless routes created by the community.

Add your own favourite spots and show off the Brussels you love!

The final pitch

After multiple weekly pitches and nervous breakdowns, the final pitch is what it all boils down to. It's the summary of four weeks of hard work.

Watch Davy and Gitte deliver a killer pitch

The team