Osoc gh-pages template

If you want to use this template, fork it to your /gh-pages branch, break it, fix it, ship it!

Replace the title with your project name. Write in once sentence what your project does. Your tagline or Unique Selling Proposition is suitable.

The project

Replace the image on the left with an image of the project you've made. Explain the project a bit better, with a short and clear. You can reuse the introduction you wrote for the handover document.

Make sure your document has a short introduction about the project. You can reuse the introduction you wrote for the handover document.

Want to know how this grid works, what the headers look like and what kind of buttons we have? Go to the styleguide. Before you ship, don't forget to remove "styleguide-remove-me.css", and replace all the favicons.

The team

Our partners